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  Håkan Hillerström, family business advisory services
Your trusted family advisor

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"The survival of the fittest lie not in their inherent strength, but in their ability to embrace change."

Charles Darwin

what we do

every family business tells its own story - it also needs its own solutions

Charles Darwin is supposed to have once said; “The survival of the fittest lie not in their inherent strength, but in their ability to embrace change.”

Many family businesses that have steamed on for decades can suddenly prove vulnerable around the handover between one generation and the next. This is a time when the struggle between progress and tradition, or hidden organisational flaws tend to surface.

Visionary and proactive family business planning can support and strengthen your company through this transition, and prepare for future generation shifts by objectively evaluating prospects and scenarios. Proper planning can also help individual family members to more effectively shape their roles within the organisation or shareholder-structure, or point to alternatives that can help them to thrive and grow independently, outside of the organisation.

Hakan Hillerstrom Family Advisory Services has by using a thorough and clear-sighted process with documented success, assisted more than 95 wealthy families from 22 countries all around the world to identify the strategies best able to prepare them for the future, resulting in practical, win-win solutions for the business, for the family and for the individual, across the generational spectrum.

Solutions for generations to come